Fee Information

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Industry wide out of control fees

Cheaper fees don't really mean less services. The State of Wisconsin goes to great lengths to ensure all Assisted Living Facilities provide the same level of cares, and they do. We have heard resident complaints from the most expensive facilities in the area that their food is bad or the cares aren't good, so fees have nothing to do with quality of service.

The only thing that is different from one place to another is the class of the facility and the facility rates. CBRF fees are now reaching unbelievable levels and for what? You are paying for a huge fancy building, an owners large salary, and maybe their vacation home? Here, we are not interested in getting rich, we charge what we need to keep this facility running without all the extra hidden charges.

Waiting Lists

Higher rates don't usually mean better care,
Why are you on some "waiting list" anyway? Perhaps someone is telling you "those other places" dont provide good care, or there are other concerns you have. Before you make up your mind too quickly, give us a chance to proove to you we can fulfill your needs.

Friendly Rates

Our 20010 full care room rate is $ 2996.00 per month. Rates are determined on an individual basis and can come to be less than the standard rate depending on the individual resident need determined from the assessment during the pre-admission stage. The rate can be considerable less per month depending on how much staff intervention there is.


For any comments, please send me an email at the above address.